Irvine Company customers can now enjoy the nation’s leading online food delivery marketplace
Ordering at the office?

Explore Grubhub and discover food delivery options that help make office lunches easy.
Ordering at home?

Visit Grubhub.com to order from more than 125,000+ local restaurant options.
*Irvine Management Company and its affiliates are not responsible or liable for the services provided by Grubhub. Click here for full disclaimer of liability.
Frequently Asked Questions

1. How is this different from the old Dining Express? This offers many of the samegreat services you enjoyed on the old Dining Express, but with more restaurants and premium delivery drivers.
2. What happened to my Dining Express account? For office customers, you can easily create a new Grubhub account and start ordering today.
3. Do I have to create a new Grubhub account? If you're a new user to Dining Express at the office, you can easily create an account at checkout For apartment customers, you can create one.
About Us

Exclusive to Irvine Company* office customers and apartment residents, Dining
Express powered by Grubhub (the nation’s leading online food ordering company)
makes meal time at work and at home easier, tastier and more affordable
At work, the Building Lunch Program allows any Irvine office customer to order
individually prepared lunches from the best local restaurants delivered right to
their office for free.
Tasty meals direct to your home or office has never been easier. Happy eating!